Josh Harvey 0403 778 626
Claude's Electrical Services 0412 402 252
Jetspeed Plumbing 0414 223 170
P & J Holmes 0408 629 936
Warren's General Maintenance 0434 985 483
(a) a burst water service,
(b) an applicance, fitting or fixture that uses water or is used to supply water that is broken or not functioning property, so that a substantial amount of water is wasted,
(c) a blocked or broken lavatory system,
(d) a serious roof leak,
(e) a gas leak,
(f) a dangerous electrical fault,
(g) flooding or serious flood damage
(h) serious storm or fire damage,
(i) a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the premises,
(j) a failure or breakdown of any essential service on the residential premises for hot water, cooking, heating, cooling or laundering,
(k) any fault or damage that causes the premises to be unsafe or insecure.